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Pan Fried Swordfish
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Pan Fried Swordfish

The largest swordfish ever caught weighed 536kg!  Their flesh is meatier compared to most fish and can be treated as steak as far as cooking is concerned.

The health benefits of swordfish are a double edged sword. One on hand they are especially good for you because they are an oily fish with lots of good oils in their flesh.

On the other hand they contain higher levels of mercury compared to smaller fish. Their saving grace as far as mercury content is concerned is their high price! The average consumer is unlikely to exceed any limits by eating swordfish simply because their price makes them a rarely eaten luxury.

This recipe treats the swordfish with great respect. Simply fry it in olive oil then pour on the parley and lemon sauce which is made in less than a minute.

The star of this dish is the chunky, meaty flesh of the swordfish not the sauce which simply highlights its flavour.


Barbecued swordfish is delicious with only a salad needed to make it into a meal. This recipe is equally good for grilling swordfish using the oven grill.

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