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Moroccan Meatloaf Recipe

Moroccan Meatloaf
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A very tasty meatloaf with a hint of spicy heat to bring it to life. Minced beef combined with sage and onion stuffing to keep costs to less than £1.50 a serving without compromising on flavour or texture. We believe that the sage and onion stuffing pleasantly lightens what can sometimes be a rather heavy meal.


500g minced beef

110g sage and onion stuffing

2 medium onions

1 medium carrot

2 sticks of celery

2 large eggs

1 level teaspoon of mustard

1 beef stock cube

2 tablespoons of tomato ketchup

1 level teaspoon of ground cumin

Pinch of chilli flakes (or more to taste)

2 tablespoons of olive or vegetable oil

Salt and pepper (quarter teaspoon of each)


400g can of chopped tomatoes

1 tablespoon tomato concentrate

Half a teaspoon of dried herbs

COOKING TIME: 1 hour 15 minutes
DIFFICULTY: Easy to medium
FREEZE: Yes, freezes well. See section below "Advice for Moroccan Meatloaf"
SERVINGS: Four to six servings
EQUIPMENT: 900g loaf tin (see section below "Advice for Moroccan Meatloaf") and a large mixing bowl.


Finely chop the onions.

Chop celery into very small bits.

Grate the carrots.

Prepared ingredients for Moroccan Meatloaf
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Preparation for Moroccan Meatloaf

Line the loaf tin with greaseproof paper.

Start pre-heating the oven to 190°C / fan 170°C / 370°F / Gas Mark 4.5.


This recipe suggests using a 900g "loaf tin " for cooking you meatloaf. Size of the tin is important for the meatloaf to cook through well.

A 900g loaf tin is the same as a 2lb loaf tin. Our 900g loaf tin measures approximately 25cm long, 12.5cm wide by 6cm deep. About average for a 900g loaf tin.

Exact measurements are not important but a tin which differs significantly in shape or size will produce different results.

Moroccan meatloaf freezes exceptionally well. Uncooked or cooked, it will store in a good quality freezer for six months. If the meatloaf has been cooked, ensure it has cooled completely (in the fridge is best) before freezing. Meatloaf will store in the fridge for 3 days at least.

Wrap it in cling film, then kitchen foil, label and date it and you have a meal ready to be defrosted and eaten later.

It's possible to slice cooked meatloaf, wrap one or two slices in cling film and then wrap the portions in kitchen foil. Ideal if you want to freeze portion sized meals.

Some meatloaf recipes recommend blending the ingredients in a food processor however all our ingredients are just finely chopped by hand.

The food processor method tends to leave you with a meatloaf that has a pate consistency whereas hand-chopped ingredients result in a meatloaf with much more texture. This is after all a rustic meal and country folk out in Morocco might not all have food processors!

Again some recipes suggest cooking with the loaf tin in a larger container half filled with water. Our recipe dispenses with the water because the resulting meatloaf then ends up with a slightly crisp outer edge which is delicious.

This recipe is cheaper than most because we use some sage and onion stuffing to combine with the minced beef. Price aside, the sage and onion stuffing adds a delicious taste to this meatloaf while still retaining a meaty texture.



Add the two tablespoons of oil to a frying pan on a medium heat and mix in the carrots, onions and celery. Let the vegetables fry for 15 minutes until they are softened stirring occasionally.

When the vegetables are cooked add all the ingredients to a large bowl and mix them all well with a fork. At first the ingredients look far too big for the loaf tin but don't worry, it will all fit in.

Vegetables frying
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Vegetables frying


Add a third of the ingredients to the lined loaf tin and firm them down so that the ingredients are evenly spread over the base of the tin.

Add a third more of the ingredients, firming down again and do the same with the remaining ingredients. Even out the top with a spoon.

Uncooked Moroccan meatloaf
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Uncooked meatloaf


Cover the top of the loaf tin with kitchen foil and place in the pre-heated oven for 30 minutes.

Remove the foil and cook for another 30 minutes. Remove from the oven. It is important to then let the meatloaf cool for 15 minutes. If you try to carve slices immediately it is taken from the oven it may start to fall apart.


Remove the meatloaf from the tin by gripping the greaseproof paper and gently easing the meatloaf out of the tin. Trim up the paper with a knife but leave the base of the meatloaf on the lower part of the greaseproof paper. Slice the meatloaf gently and slowly and serve with a salad or vegetables.

STEP 5 (optional)

If you will be eating the meatloaf warm, a very simple tomato sauce poured over the top of the meatloaf slices as you serve them adds moisture, taste and it looks good. Pour a tin of chopped tomatoes into a pan, add a sprinkling of died herbs and a level tablespoon of tomato puree. Sir well and heat through for about ten minutes.


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